Online Resources: Videos and Audios
These are examples of classes and recordings of guided meditations of CBCT® (Cognitively Based Compassion Training). Also available in Spanish here.
CBCT - Module I
Clarity for healthy connections
CBCT - Module I
Developing a stable attention is developing compassion
CBCT - Module II
Paying attention is by itself nurturing
CBCT - Module II
Wu wei or "no exertion" for compassion
CBCT -Module III
CBCT - Module III
Expectations kill the present
CBCT - Module III
CBCT - Module III
CBCT - Module IV
CBCT - Module IV
CBCT - Module V
The dangers of gratitude
CBCT - Module VI
We all have cancer
CBCT ' Module VI
The "absurdity" of thinking of others being good for your own problems
CBCT ' Module VI
Compassion for others nurtures me
... And many more at, at their live streaming archive